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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Presiden Obama telah menderma USD20 juta kepada Israel sebagai bantuan segera- National Resport


Begitu cepat tindakan dan bantuan daripada Ketuanan Amerika Syarikat membantu Rejim Zionis Israel. Sewajarnya kita umat Islam dan negara Islam meningkatkan bantuan kepada Palestin untuk Gaza dan Tebing Barat. Ia sebagai satu responsif dan tindak balas dan sokongan yang kuat kepada Gaza dan Palestin.

Bayangkan umat Islam di Malaysia yang berjumlah hampir 16 juta orang dapat menyumbang RM1 juta sehari @ RM30 juta sebulan, ianya memerlukan setiap orang menyumbang RM1.87 sen sahaja, tak sampai RM2 pun, Itu belum lagi dengan menahan nafsu dan sokongan boikot pembelian burger di McD yang bernilai RM10.00 hingga RM15.00 per set. Tentunya jumlah yang boleh disumbangkan akan lebih meningkat.

Usaha memboikot barangan atau produk oleh syarikat yang menyokong Istrael perlu di iringi dengan peningkatan sumbangan kepada Gaza dan Palestin, barulah ia memberi kesan yang hebat disamping usaha-usaha Qunut Nazilah, Doa serta solat hajat.

Sekadar melaungkan boikot tanpa memberi apa-apa sumbangan tentunya melambat usaha sokongan kepada saudara kita di Gaza dan Palestin yang amat memerlukan bantuan terutama makanan dan perubatan disamping memulihkan tempat kediaman, hospital , sekolah serta menjana ekonomi setempat demi kelangsungan hidup.


Despite being mired in a touchy situation with our increasingly fragile US economy, Obama has made the choice to donate a hefty 20 million dollars to Israel. Israeli leaders have openly expressed gratitude after being granted the funds, which will aid them in resolving the bloody Israeli/Palestinian conflict, and restore peace within the occupied lands.
Israeli politician and Knesset member, Ayelet Shaked, was appointed to accept the funds early Saturday morning. “We are pleased and humbled that the US has given us this opportunity to address these issues and put an end to this struggle once and for all. America’s generous grant will aid in eradicating elements of violence so that we may
reestablish peace within our country.”

Several Palestinian activist groups expressed their displeasure upon learning of Obama’s 20 million dollar donation. Liam Bailey, who is program manager of the Israel Divestment Foundation (IDF), had this to say in regards to Obama’s sudden and expensive decision. “This is utter insanity. Obama is essentially enabling Israel to enforce it’s apartheid agenda against the Palestinian people. This flies in the face of everything we are trying to accomplish. It is also doing absolutely zero favors for the precarious state of the US economy. We are basically shooting ourselves in the foot with this one.”
This decision comes mere hours after Hamas militants destroyed the Church Of Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. The temple was first erected in 330 A.D. to commemorate the hill of crucifixion, and Jesus Christ’s burial tomb. The terrorists attacked the church overnight, looting it shortly before demolishing it with heavy explosives.

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